Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Holidays

Everyone from B.O.S.C would like to say Happy Holidays.We will be getting back to cases real soon.This year we will be checking out a bunch of new places.We will keep everyone posted on the upcoming Investigations.Buisness cards and T shirts are being made now.Thanks to everyone who Clicked on the Google Ads on the Side Of the page to help raise some money for the team.

Happy Holidays and looking forward to a good year of investigations.

Founder Of B.O.S.C

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

12/12/09 Investigation

On this date we had 2 cases to check out. We went to Avondale Mine Disaster and A residential home in Duryea,Pa.The night started out Cold and us walking through bushes to find are way to get in the Avondale buildings.We then checked out the opening to the mine.As you seen on the site before Avondale was a big disaster that took the lives of 167 people.The mine caught fire and the miners suffocated inside.Today their is a memorial in a few locations surrounding the area.
Investigation 2 was at a residential home in Duryea,Pa.The home is said to have paranormal activity.The recent resident has had some experiences in the home.When we investigated We got a lot of audio.we heard voices and noises in the home. We concluded that whatever is their seems to be not hostel.We are still reviewing the evidence and will post everything here soon.
It was a great night of investigating.Good job Team.

Founder Of B.O.S.C

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Upcoming Locations

Avondale Mine Disaster-Subject: Mine disaster, Avondale Colliery, Delaware, Western, and Western Railroad Company, Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, September 6, 1869, 179 killed

A wooden breaker constructed over the shaft opening to the underground workings caught on fire. The shaft was the sole means of exit from the mine; consequently, the men working underground were trapped and died of suffocation.

Although gas hazards were due mainly to poor ventilation, many of the mines in (the) early days had but one shaft to the surface. One morning, in September, 1869, in an Avondale, Pa. mine, the wooden beams and planking lining the shaft were set afire by sparks from the ventilating furnace. Flames quickly made the shaft a roaring inferno which no man could approach. For hours, water was pumped into the shaft, and along towards evening rescue parties were able to ascend.

Catastrophes of the nature aroused tremendous public indignation. One result was the formation of a group known as the Molly Maguires, who raised havoc in the anthracite fields, being charged with the deaths of a large number of mine bosses. Although it is doubtful that the Mollys had much effect on improving hazardous conditions, they kept the subject of safety and demonstrated how poor accident experience could be made an excuse for mob violence.


This Investigation was at A private residence in Beaver Meadows,PA. This home has a lot of history.We found a few possible evp's at this location.I will upload these soon.Great work team you guys did well on this case.I will also upload some pictures.We recorded some video but didnt Catch anything out of the ordinary.

Founder Of B.O.S.C

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Looking for Haunts

Hey everyone we are looking for some Places to Investigate in the area.
If anyone has any Paranormal Activity Please let us know either by the email Boscparanormal@yahoo.com Or By leaving a comment on this page.

Upcoming Investigations:
Avondale mine disaster
Residential beaver mills,pa
residential Scranton pa,

Founder Of B.O.S.C

Monday, November 23, 2009

Evps Posted

All Evps found will be posted on the side of this page.

Check back for more.

Founder Of B.O.S.C

Sunday, November 22, 2009

News - 11/22/09

11/21/09 Investigation went really well. We got to investigate 2 places last night.
Last night was Dana & Kyle's first investigation.Our first investigation of the night was the Blue coal Breaker in Ashley Pa.We have been to this location in the past but wanted to bring along Dana & Kyle to check it out again.We got some evps and some emf hits.Are second location of the night was the Ransom valley Church and Cemetery.We did not get anything from here just a few personal sightings.

New equipment: Night vision Monocular
Ir Camera

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Members Resident

One of are members on the team lives in the house.This past investigation on 11/14/09 we went out their and caught some paranormal activity.This place is a very active location. I was speaking with him this evening and was told that some things were happening.We might go back their soon to do another investigation.I will post up the evps found soon. As of right now i am reviewing the video evidence from this location. Will keep you posted if evidence found.

Founder Of B.O.S.C

Monday, November 16, 2009

Investigation 11/14/09

Saturday nights investigations went really well. My team and i investigated one of are members resident. It was a great investigation and their was paranormal activity found.I am still reviewing the recordings and will upload everything to this site. We also investigated The Ashley / Huber Breaker (Blue Coal) site. This very large site was a great investigation. We might see this place in a full team investigation soon.So far we have found evps at this location. we also had emf hits and a conversation between one of are lead investigator and a unknown entity on the emf.I will be posting all photos soon. Good Job Team.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Equiptment

Today i made a Condenser Microphone From scratch. We are going to use it as an external Mic for the Digital Recorders.So we do not get noises like are hands moving over the recorder and etc.

I also have a Condenser Studio Microphone. We can run it from a computer to wherever we want and leave it running. Instead of moving it around with us we can leave it in a room and walk away and if anything paranormal wants to speak while were not in the room we can catch it.

We will use both items at this Saturdays Investigation.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Investigation Saturday November 14th 2009


This Investigation will be a residential case at one of are members mikes home.For members that live close to the Pittston memorial library we will meet at this location. If you do not live near the pittston memorial library we will meet at the Walgreen's on Wyomming ave in Kingston Pa. Please email me if you have any Questions.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Investigation 11/07/09

Investigation: West Mountain Sanitarium the investigation went really well. Will be going over the evidence tonight. Will post found evidence on the site either tonight or tomorrow sometime. Will keep you posted.

New members joined today. Dana/husband

Thursday, November 5, 2009

History Of West Mountain Sanitorium

Built in 1903, this hospital primarily treated tuberculosis patients until its 1971 closure.
In a history written in 1952, the following was said about the institution:

One of the more beautiful West Scranton landmarks is the Lackawanna County Tuberculosis Hospital, commonly known by its older name, West Mountain Sanatorium. It was originally established in 1903, following the suggestion of the late Dr. J.M. Wainwright.

The 40-year-old institution is now under the supervision of the Lackawanna County Commissioners. Edward J. Rainey, present superintendent, was appointed in January, 1951. He succeeded Miss Theresa dela Plant, registered nurse, who served for 30 years. According to the best records available, a Miss Davis was the first superintendent. Dr. Paul C. McAndrew is present medical director and Dr. Frank C. Lavin, assistant.

The bed capacity in 1903 was between 18 and 20. In 1919, it arose to 29, while today it totals 100. The original land was donated by the `D.L.&W.' or purchased at a nominal price. Later additional land was purchased.

In June 1923, a $300,000 tuberculosis hospital was begun to replace the old institution. The sanatorium was taken over by the County Commissioners in 1923, following a plebiscite by the citizens to do so in 1921.

While the institution accepts patients in all stages of tuberculosis, over 80 per cent of the male patients are those with anthracosilicos and super imposed pulmonary tuberculosis in its advanced stages, according to institution records.

The X-ray department recently was completely remodelled and equipped with apparatus of the latest design. This includes a diagnostic table, motor driven cassette changer, fluoroscope, a new control panel and complete dark room equipment. A bronchoscopic unit also has been added.

The clinical laboratory has likewise been expanded and a number of new instruments have been installed, including binocular microscopes. Additional space has been allocated for use in research work associated with the newer drugs.

The hospital has a farm growing its own products. It also has a county owned water system with about a 60,000 gallon capacity, and an artesian well. It also has a fully equipped laundry which can easily handle daily all the washing and ironing for the 100 patients, staff and 40 to 45 employees.

Many folks believe it to be haunted, and it has been the subject of study by many "paranormal investigators". Reports of hearing footsteps, voices, and in one story, even being chased completely from the property by something unseen.

Articles of West Mountain Sanitarium

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pictures of West Mountain Sanitarium

Meeting Saturday November 7th 2009

Meeting This Saturday November 7th 2009 At The Pittston Memorial Library. Meeting new Members and Talking about upcoming investigations. Saturday night Investigation At The West Mountain Sanitarium.

About The Team

B.O.S.C(Bringing the Other Side Closer)is a Paranormal Team Started in NEPA by William Pidgeon and Kira Conley around September 2009. Before Bosc the group was called Beekman Paranormal Team which was started By William Pidgeon and Catherine Pidgeon which was active in 2004-2008.The original team was actually started for urban exploration But when Some Paranormal activity was found while reviewing tapes of the Hudson River Psychiatric State Hospital in Poughkeepsie,NY we decided we wanted to know more. While in New York the Team investigated many haunted locations including Smalley Inn Restaurant and LetchWorth Village State Hospital,and many more Places in New York and out of state. The Team is now Fully Operational And are going on cases as of now.

Bosc Temp Website

Welcome to The B.O.S.C Website,