Thursday, March 3, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Coming Soon...

Hello, My name is William Pidgeon Founder of B.O.S.C Paranormal.We have been away for a while but new stuff will be coming soon.Currently looking for locations to investigate.Keep a look out for new updates.

B.O.S.C Paranormal (Feb,2011)

Monday, January 25, 2010

New investigations

Their will be new investigations coming up soon.We are i am trying to find more cases so we have a consistent year.Will post all updates here.

Founder Of B.O.S.C

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Holidays

Everyone from B.O.S.C would like to say Happy Holidays.We will be getting back to cases real soon.This year we will be checking out a bunch of new places.We will keep everyone posted on the upcoming Investigations.Buisness cards and T shirts are being made now.Thanks to everyone who Clicked on the Google Ads on the Side Of the page to help raise some money for the team.

Happy Holidays and looking forward to a good year of investigations.

Founder Of B.O.S.C

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

12/12/09 Investigation

On this date we had 2 cases to check out. We went to Avondale Mine Disaster and A residential home in Duryea,Pa.The night started out Cold and us walking through bushes to find are way to get in the Avondale buildings.We then checked out the opening to the mine.As you seen on the site before Avondale was a big disaster that took the lives of 167 people.The mine caught fire and the miners suffocated inside.Today their is a memorial in a few locations surrounding the area.
Investigation 2 was at a residential home in Duryea,Pa.The home is said to have paranormal activity.The recent resident has had some experiences in the home.When we investigated We got a lot of audio.we heard voices and noises in the home. We concluded that whatever is their seems to be not hostel.We are still reviewing the evidence and will post everything here soon.
It was a great night of investigating.Good job Team.

Founder Of B.O.S.C